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Taiwan Taxi's iCall System: Realizing the Value of GPS-Dispatch Systems (Traditional Chinese version)
作者姓名:Deborah Compeau; Rueylin Hsiao; Sheng-Tsung Hou
出版日期:2010/08/10內容長度:24 頁

The chief executive officer (CEO) of Taiwan Taxi must assess the adoption of iCall by the firm's taxi drivers. When originally conceived, iCall was supposed to be the basis for substantial growth in the number of taxi drivers signing up with Taiwan Taxi. But even after many years, adoption still lags behind the plan. The CEO must assess the reasons for the slower adoption of iCall and make recommendations on whether to revise the goal or improve .....more

Taiwan Taxi's iCall System: Realizing the Value of GPS-Dispatch Systems
作者姓名:Deborah Compeau; Rueylin Hsiao; Sheng-Tsung Hou
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B09E021
出版日期:2010/04/08內容長度:21 頁

The chief executive officer (CEO) of Taiwan Taxi must assess the adoption of iCall by the firm's taxi drivers. When originally conceived, iCall was supposed to be the basis for substantial growth in the number of taxi drivers signing up with Taiwan Taxi. But even after many years, adoption still lags behind the plan. The CEO must assess the reasons for the slower adoption of iCall and make recommendations on whether to revise the goal or improve .....more